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Rehab Nova Scotia Help

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Treatment Centers in Canada

Rehab Nova Scotia Help

Helpline: 1 888-488-8434

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Treatment Centers in Canada

Rehab Nova Scotia Help

Find the right Service to Private
Treatment Centers in Canada

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Nova Scotia

Guidance to Private Addiction Treatment

Drug and alcohol rehabs in Nova Scotia are plentiful. It isn’t the choice that is missing. But how do you choose the right facility? We will attempt to guide you to the best addiction treatment program for the person you want to help.

There is an array of options: residential programs (long-term and short-term), outpatient treatments, addiction counselling, and coaching. In many cases, the rehabilitation process must also include detox. The ideal is a facility offering detox and rehabilitation under the same roof. However, that is not always the case.

Also, different approaches to treating substance use disorders exist. So, what is the best approach? That would depend on the individual seeking help. First, you can find out more about us with this link.

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Rehabs Nova Scotia and Options

As mentioned above, Nova Scotia residents have many rehab options. The choice depends on the level of care the person needs. We will get into this in the next section.

Long and Short-term Residential

You will find long—and short-term residential treatment programs among the alternatives. Residential treatment means the person stays at the facility during the recovery program. Some call it inpatient, although some use the term inpatient for more medically orientated programs.

A short-term plan usually lasts no longer than a month, while a long-term plan usually lasts a few months, and some offer a one-year stay.

 Picture of a young adult.

Outpatient Programs, Addiction Counselling and Coaching

Outpatient programs, addiction counselling, and coaching sessions are plans that a person can follow while living at home. The individual can then continue with their daily routine, like working or studying.

Withdrawal Management and Medical Withdrawal

Generally speaking, withdrawal management is the process of helping someone safely stop using while managing withdrawal symptoms. Some of these programs are non-medical, while others include medical interventions. Meanwhile, doctors and nurses closely supervise medical detox in specialized detox facilities.

You can find out more about the different treatment options here.

Level of Care in Addiction and Treatment Plans

What determines the level of care? That question is better answered individually; in other words, there is no pat answer. However, there are some general classifications.

Before admission to a program in Nova Scotia, an assessment must be done. This evaluation determines the severity of the substance use disorder. One at a starting stage of addiction does not need the same care level as someone with a longstanding addiction. Concurrently, someone addicted to pot will not require the same care as one with a meth issue.

For a long-term addiction, one would benefit more from a residential facility and preferably a long-term program. At the beginning stages, an addiction counsellor or coaching sessions are usually enough.

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Different Methods in Treating Substance Use Disorder

Most government or public access addiction treatment services are based on the 12-step model, which is a successful approach for many. In the private sector, many use other methods and can incorporate the 12-step process. Many centers use CBT and integrate Mindfulness. Others may offer yoga, animal therapy, and other complementary therapies.

Rehab Nova Scotia

And Price Range

How much does a private rehab in Nova Scotia cost? The price range varies greatly depending on the facility and the length of stay. For longer stays, centers usually have a sliding scale system, where the second and third months are cheaper.

To orient the reader regarding pricing, a Nova Scotia addiction treatment center can start at around $10,000 a month and go up from there. It is much better to contact the chosen center and ask questions. Many facilities offer the possibility of a payment plan, and others will accept insurance (if your policy covers drug rehabilitation).

Other payment possibilities are personal or medical loans, which offer better interest rates. For more information, visit the Medicard or iFinance websites.

Medical equipment found in addiction treatment centers

Addiction Treatment Center Nova Scotia

If You Need Assistance

Substance use disorder is not a push-button fix or a one-size-fits-all proposition; it demands time, patience and intention.

Choosing a center is not always easy. Also, selecting the facility next door or nearby may not be the right place. Being away from the beaten path may be more beneficial in recovery, as the person is not on familiar ground.

If you need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. We work across Canada to help families; we are not only regionally helping Nova Scotia.

To find public-access addiction treatment in Nova Scotia, visit the Mental Health and Addictions Intake website or call 1-855-922-1122. This number also connects you to assessment resources.