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Home » Quebec Drug Rehab
A drug rehab in Quebec can help individuals with substance use disorders, that is for sure. However, waitlist can be long and make your search more complicated.
At Addiction Referral & Consultation Services (ARC Services) we understand drugs, alcohol, and medication abuse. We also know the different types of addiction recovery services available. Whether you live in Gatineau, Montreal or Chibougamau, we can assist in your search.
Also of concern is, what the person’s reaction to the idea when you coax them to quit. What is their response? Is it denial, brush-off, ignoring, concerned, or accepting and open to suggestions? All of which can be addressed properly with help from our experienced referral counsellors. You can find out more about us here.
As a Quebec resident, if you need immediate help with drug addiction or locating a private drug rehab center, call our experienced drug addiction treatment counsellors. They will take your call and answer all your questions.
This service is free of charge, and there is no obligation on your part. We have helped thousands of families across Canada since 2000. We are confident that our efforts to help you will pan out.
Our counsellors are specialist with years of experience in the rehabilitation field. They will guide you to the most suitable drug rehab in Quebec or elsewhere in Canada.
Quebec, “La belle province” and, for the most part, this is true, but this is only Quebec’s commercial aspect. The real underlying issue is drug addiction with street kids and the homeless inflicted with drug addiction to crack cocaine, heroin, or pot and other illicit drugs. The community drug rehabs are overwhelmed with requests for treatment programs, and drug addiction is put on wait.
When a province like Quebec finds itself dispensing more prescription medication than the number of people under its flag, you can be certain drastic measures will be adopted. Recent new laws for residential drug addiction treatment centers are now the norm. Quebec is the only province in Canada where the government sets the bar and controls what goes on in residential drug rehab centers.
Private-sector services are a good choice for many reasons. These are only some of them. Most private facilities have fast admission process and a short wait list when there is any. It allows the recovery process to start faster and the person to be in a safe environment.
A private-sector rehab provides a wider range of programs and personalized services. Also, the ratio between clients and counsellors being better ensures that those attending receive more attention.
For anyone living in Quebec, you have options for drug or alcohol rehab centers. Our experienced referral counsellors are people you can count on to shed light and simplify the matter. They know and understand the issues at stake. You do not have to search on your own. They can find the right drug rehab center that suits your situation and needs.
Research shows that Quebec has one of the highest rates of prescription drug abuse in our country. Whether it started with legal prescriptions or with illicit black market drugs, it still turned into an addiction. Substance use disorder is a serious and sometimes complex issue and should be addressed by qualified staff. As a Quebec resident, you have options, and there are many affordable private drug rehab programs available for you.
If you or someone you know is addicted to some substances, call our toll-free number and talk to our referral counsellor. They will get you on the road to recovery by finding the best private facility that works for you and your situation.
When you call from Quebec, our referral counsellors answer your call directly. They will start by asking you questions (assessment) concerning the person you’re calling. Our answers will determine the level of care the individual needs. Once this step is done, they will suggest the best available service. The right drug rehab may or might not be in the province of Quebec.
Once a rehab is picked, our counsellor will arrange contact with the facility. At this point, the centre will answer any other questions you may have. Once all is good, the intake counsellor will start the admission process, if not, please call us back.
To Speak to a referral counsellor today, or
The referral experts and addiction specialists at have been in the field of substance abuse since 1998.
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